MindTap V2.0 for Kennedy/Cohen's The American Pageant, 1 term Instant Access | 17th Edition

David M. Kennedy/Lizabeth Cohen
Product cover for MindTap V2.0 for Kennedy/Cohen's The American Pageant, 1 term Instant Access 17th Edition by David M. Kennedy/Lizabeth Cohen
Copyright 2022 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2021-05-11T00:00:00+0000')}}
Access to Cengage Unlimited {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$", true)}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("139.99", "$", true)}}
Access for 1 term (4 months)
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MindTap: MindTap V2.0 for Kennedy/Cohen's The American Pageant, 1 term Instant Access {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$")}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("92.00", "$")}}
MindTap V2.0 for Kennedy/Cohen's The American Pageant, 1 term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357504765
{{getPriceWithCurrency("92.00", "$")}}
MindTap V2.0 for Kennedy/Cohen's The American Pageant, 2 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357504789
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About This Product

Today's leading digital platform, MindTap for Kennedy/Cohen, The American Pageant, 17th Edition, gives you complete control of your course to create unique learning experiences that challenge students, build confidence and elevate performance. MindTap introduces students to core concepts from the beginning of your course using a simplified learning path that progresses from understanding to application. MindTap presents concepts using a blend of engaging narrative and media while minimizing distraction with assignments that pair learning content with assessments in a visually appealing side-by-side format. Exclusive Instructor Tools allow you to modify the wording of questions, answer choices and feedback in assessments to match the specific objectives and style of your course. New Instructor Reports provide actionable insights into student performance and present opportunities for just-in-time intervention. Use MindTap for Kennedy/Cohen, The American Pageant, 17th Edition as-is or customize it to meet your specific course needs. You can also easily integrate MindTap into your Learning Management System (LMS).