Motifs: An Introduction to French, Enhanced | 6th Edition

Kimberly Jansma/Margaret Ann Kassen
Product cover for Motifs: An Introduction to French, Enhanced 6th Edition by Kimberly Jansma/Margaret Ann Kassen
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Immersing students in the world of French language and culture, MOTIFS: AN INTRODUCTION TO FRENCH, Enhanced Sixth Edition, continues to set the standard for first-year French courses. Students learn through lively, culturally authentic contexts that enable them to communicate on larger, real-life themes, such as housing, school, food, work, and relationships. Offering a systematic study of French, the MOTIFS program provides the structures, vocabulary, communication strategies, and cultural background that enable students to think critically about different points of view, to share about themselves, and to learn about others. The sixth edition maintains its most popular readings while updating others and adding new readings to foster cross-cultural comparisons.