Written for liberal arts students and based on the belief that learning to solve problems is the principal reason for studying mathematics, Karl Smith introduces students to Polya’s problem-solving techniques and shows them how to use these techniques to solve unfamiliar problems that they encounter in their own lives. Through the emphasis on problem solving and estimation, along with numerous in-text study aids, students are assisted in understanding the concepts and mastering the techniques. In addition to the problem-solving emphasis, THE NATURE OF MATHEMATICS is renowned for its clear writing, coverage of historical topics, selection of topics, level, and excellent applications problems. Smith includes material on such practical real-world topics as finances (e.g. amortization, installment buying, annuities) and voting and apportionment. With the help of this text, thousands of students have "experienced" mathematics rather than just complete problems--WebAssign is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in your hands, enabling you to deploy assignments, add your own content, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master course concepts. Instructors and students benefit from WebAssign content updates without having to transition to a new edition, including new problem types such as Responsive Labs, a new Activities Booklet, and more.