Neue Horizonte | 8th Edition

David B. Dollenmayer/Thomas S. Hansen
Product cover for Neue Horizonte 8th Edition by David B. Dollenmayer/Thomas S. Hansen
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285688671
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ISBN: 9781111344191
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Buy Paperback : Student Activities Manual for Dollenmayer/Hansen's Neue Horizonte, 8th ISBN: 9781133946175
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Buy Paperback : Neue Horizonte ISBN: 9781111344191
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ISBN: 9781285723662

Available Study Tools

Student Activities Manual for Dollenmayer/Hansen's Neue Horizonte, 8th

Student Activities Manual for Dollenmayer/Hansen's Neue Horizonte, 8th

ISBN-13: 9781133946175
This combination workbook/laboratory manual helps you maximize your course success. The workbook section provides a variety of written exercises for chapters 1-15 that recombine the vocabulary and grammar structures presented in the corresponding chapter of the student text. The workbook also includes four summary and review sections, Zusammenfassung und Wiederholung. Each ends with a "Test Your Progress" self-test.

About This Product

Packed with contemporary dialogue, engaging readings, active vocabulary, and an assortment of hands-on activities, NEUE HORIZONTE, 8th Edition skillfully instills both communicative and grammatical competency using a diversified methodology that adapts well to a variety of teaching and learning styles. Immersing students in a complete language-learning experience, its unique integrated treatment stresses a balance of communicative competence, cultural awareness, and mastery of language structures.