Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind | 4th Edition

John T. Cacioppo/Laura A. Freberg/Stephanie Cacioppo
Product cover for Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind 4th Edition by John T. Cacioppo/Laura A. Freberg/Stephanie Cacioppo
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ISBN-13: 9780357363263
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Cengage Infuse for Cacioppo/Freberg's Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357529669
Cengage Infuse for Psychology is the first-of-its-kind digital learning platform that leverages your Learning Management System (LMS) functionality so that you can enjoy simple course set up and intuitive management tools. Offering just the right amount of auto graded content, you’ll be ready to go online at the drop of a hat.

About This Product

Taking an innovative approach to introductory psychology, Cacioppo/Freberg/Cacioppo's DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY: THE SCIENCE OF MIND, 4th edition, presents psychology as an integrative science that's relevant for students of all majors. It incorporates the recommendations of the APA Introductory Psychology Initiative, making compliance seamless for instructors. A familiar chapter structure provides an easy course road map that highlights connections within psychology as well as between psychology and other disciplines. Smart and engaging, the writing and features consistently illustrate the benefit of using multiple perspectives within psychology, while exciting new research findings pique student interest. Psychology is evolving into an integrative, multidisciplinary field, and this text fosters a cohesive understanding of psychology as a highly interconnected and relevant hub science. Available with MindTap.