Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced | 1st Edition

Prisca Augustyn/Nikolaus Euba
Product cover for Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced 1st Edition by Prisca Augustyn/Nikolaus Euba
Copyright 2021 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2020-06-24T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357711422
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ISBN: 9780357445778
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MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced, 1 term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357445839
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MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced, 4 terms Instant Access

MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced, 4 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357445747
MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's WELTEN: INTRODUCTORY GERMAN, ENHANCED, combines digital and print resources into a rich, seamless presentation of culture, grammar and vocabulary. Set around 12 German-speaking people and the worlds they live in, it focuses on the development of communicative competence and literacy through texts in various modalities. Students acquire and practice functional language skills while developing interpretive and analytical competencies and an appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of language. Students learn to use language while seeing the world through the eyes of others, ultimately learning about themselves and the world they live in. This all-new approach to introductory German delivers an innovative and integral video program, a contextualized and learner-centered presentation of grammar and a unique selection of engaging texts from a broad range of genres.
MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's Welten: Introductory German, Enhanced, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357445839
MindTap for Augustyn/Euba's WELTEN: INTRODUCTORY GERMAN, ENHANCED, combines digital and print resources into a rich, seamless presentation of culture, grammar and vocabulary. Set around 12 German-speaking people and the worlds they live in, it focuses on the development of communicative competence and literacy through texts in various modalities. Students acquire and practice functional language skills while developing interpretive and analytical competencies and an appreciation of the aesthetic qualities of language. Students learn to use language while seeing the world through the eyes of others, ultimately learning about themselves and the world they live in. This all-new approach to introductory German delivers an innovative and integral video program, a contextualized and learner-centered presentation of grammar and a unique selection of engaging texts from a broad range of genres.

About This Product

Taking a truly communicative-oriented approach, Augustyn/Euba's WELTEN: INTRODUCTORY GERMAN, ENHANCED, 1st edition, brings German culture to life -- inspiring readers to examine their own worldview through the lens of another language and culture. Twelve chapters revolve around the "worlds" of 12 people in different places. Each chapter focuses on the life, work, interests and environment of these individuals through different types of texts that are relevant to their world -- such as a student in Jena, a designer in Basel and a chef in the Alps. These texts have been specifically selected for their level-appropriateness, accessibility and genre-specific characteristics. The result is captivating content for the introduction and practice of grammar and vocabulary. The authors also pay special attention to the integration and practice of high-frequency vocabulary. Coupled with MindTap digital learning solution, WELTEN combines online and print resources into a rich, seamless presentation of culture, grammar and vocabulary.