OWLv2 for Seager/Slabaugh/Hansen's Chemistry for Today, 1 term Instant Access | 10th Edition

Spencer L. Seager/Michael R. Slabaugh/Maren S. Hansen
Product cover for OWLv2 for Seager/Slabaugh/Hansen's Chemistry for Today, 1 term Instant Access 10th Edition by Spencer L. Seager/Michael R. Slabaugh/Maren S. Hansen
Copyright 2022 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2021-07-23T00:00:00+0000')}}
Access to Cengage Unlimited {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$", true)}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("139.99", "$", true)}}
Access for 1 term (4 months)
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OWLv2: OWLv2 for Seager/Slabaugh/Hansen's Chemistry for Today, 1 term Instant Access {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$")}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("119.00", "$")}}
OWLv2 for Seager/Slabaugh/Hansen's Chemistry for Today, 1 term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357453575
{{getPriceWithCurrency("119.00", "$")}}
OWLv2 for Seager/Slabaugh/Hansen's Chemistry for Today, 4 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357453568
{{getPriceWithCurrency("137.00", "$")}}
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About This Product

Created by teaching chemists, OWLv2 is a powerful online learning system for chemistry with a unique Mastery Learning approach, which allows students to practice at their own pace, receive meaningful feedback and access a variety of learning resources to help them master chemistry and achieve better grades.