American Government and Politics Today | 19th Edition

Lynne E. Ford/Barbara A. Bardes/Steffen W. Schmidt/Mack C. Shelley II
Product cover for American Government and Politics Today 19th Edition by Lynne E. Ford/Barbara A. Bardes/Steffen W. Schmidt/Mack C. Shelley II
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eTextbook: American Government and Politics Today

eTextbook: American Government and Politics Today

ISBN-13: 9780357709351
MindTap for Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357458938
MindTap for Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today, 19th Edition, is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course -- to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap combines student learning tools -- readings, multimedia, activities and assessments -- into a coherent, self-contained and consistent Learning Path that guides students through their course and maximizes how the brain learns new information while minimizing distractions for students. Activities written to learning outcomes provide students with ample opportunities to check their understanding, while also providing faculty and students alike with a clear way to measure and assess student progress. Each MindTap learning activity is anchored to a single concept, and pairs content and assessment in a visually captivating side-by-side presentation that engages students and extends learning beyond the textbook. Why should federalism matter to a student? Voting? Campaigns and elections? MindTap’s assignable activities help students make such real-world connections, asking them to consider – and reconsider – their own positions on issues that affect their daily lives, all the while stimulating creative problem solving. What's more, the groundbreaking Cengage Mobile app enables students to complete ALL their homework on a phone or tablet, and allows instructors create polls that foster engagement. MindTap simplifies your workload, organizes and immediately grades assignments, and allows you to add current events videos and news sources with the click of a button. Through integration with your Learning Management System, grades are easily exported, and analytics are easily pulled. MindTap can be used on its own or in conjunction with the printed text.
Cengage Infuse for Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today, 1 term Instant Access

Cengage Infuse for Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's American Government and Politics Today, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357530252
Cengage Infuse for Political Science is the first-of-its-kind digital learning platform that leverages your Learning Management System (LMS) functionality so that you can enjoy simple course set up and intuitive management tools. Offering just the right amount of auto graded content, you’ll be ready to go online at the drop of a hat.

About This Product

Ford/Bardes/Schmidt/Shelley's AMERICAN GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS TODAY is renowned for its balanced, unbiased and contemporary coverage of constitutional, governmental, political, social and economic structures and their processes. It equips students with the knowledge to make informed choices, encourages them to play an active role in the decision-making process in their community and delivers the tools they need to get involved. The 19th edition explores the roots of U.S. political polarization. Completely up to date, it also includes expansive coverage of the 2020 primary and general elections, climate change, gun violence, race and gender dynamics, migration and immigration, and social media's role in politics. Fully integrated with the text, the MindTap digital learning solution offers anywhere, anytime learning solutions -- ideal for online learning necessitated by the COVID-19 outbreak.