Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire | 7th Edition

Clare Tufts/Hannelore Jarausch
Product cover for Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire 7th Edition by Clare Tufts/Hannelore Jarausch
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MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357513576
Today's leading digital platform, MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 7th Edition, gives you complete control of your course to create unique learning experiences to build confidence and foster critical thinking skills. MindTap introduces students to core grammar, vocabulary, and cultural concepts from the beginning of your course using a simplified learning path that progresses from understanding to application. MindTap presents concepts using a blend of engaging narrative and media while minimizing distraction with assignments that pair learning content with assessments in a visually appealing side-by-side format. Through a wealth of activities written to learning outcomes, it provides students with ample opportunities to check themselves for understanding, while also providing faculty and students alike with a clear way to measure and assess student progress. A groundbreaking mobile app experience enables greater flexibility for students to fit learning into their day, wherever they are. MindTap provides vocabulary and grammar review along with new material for each chapter through numerous auto and manually-graded activities to help you check your comprehension and acquisition before being asked to work with the same material in class. The readings and cultural notes were selected to provoke curiosity about the French-speaking world. Songs, videos, and expanded activities for listening practice will all enhance a student's ability to comprehend spoken French and to be easily understood when you engage in conversation with native speakers of the language. As an instructor, MindTap is here to simplify your workload, organize, and immediately grade your students' assignments, and allow you to customize your course as you see fit. Through deep-seated integration with your Learning Management System, grades are easily exported. MindTap is available on its own or for use in conjunction with the printed text.
MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 4 term Instant Access

MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 4 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357513514
Today's leading digital platform, MindTap for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 7th Edition, gives you complete control of your course to create unique learning experiences to build confidence and foster critical thinking skills. MindTap introduces students to core grammar, vocabulary, and cultural concepts from the beginning of your course using a simplified learning path that progresses from understanding to application. MindTap presents concepts using a blend of engaging narrative and media while minimizing distraction with assignments that pair learning content with assessments in a visually appealing side-by-side format. Through a wealth of activities written to learning outcomes, it provides students with ample opportunities to check themselves for understanding, while also providing faculty and students alike with a clear way to measure and assess student progress. A groundbreaking mobile app experience enables greater flexibility for students to fit learning into their day, wherever they are. MindTap provides vocabulary and grammar review along with new material for each chapter through numerous auto and manually-graded activities to help you check your comprehension and acquisition before being asked to work with the same material in class. The readings and cultural notes were selected to provoke curiosity about the French-speaking world. Songs, videos, and expanded activities for listening practice will all enhance a student's ability to comprehend spoken French and to be easily understood when you engage in conversation with native speakers of the language. As an instructor, MindTap is here to simplify your workload, organize, and immediately grade your students' assignments, and allow you to customize your course as you see fit. Through deep-seated integration with your Learning Management System, grades are easily exported. MindTap is available on its own or for use in conjunction with the printed text.

About This Product

Ideal for your one-semester intermediate French course, Tufts/Jarausch's SUR LE VIF: NIVEAU INTERMEDIERE, 7E reviews the fundamentals of the language within a meaningful context, adding just enough new material to expand students' skills without overwhelming them. Ideal for the flipped-classroom model, each chapter offers two sections: one for in-class oral and reading skills and a second section that highlights grammar to practice outside of class. Nine brief but powerful chapters offer new and expanded readings, interactive grammar reviews, theme-related writing practice and updated cultural notes. To strengthen listening and visual comprehension, prélude, interlude and postlude songs reinforce the cultural themes and MindTap digital resources for each chapter provide links to online videos and other tools. By weaving grammar review into thought-provoking chapter themes, this edition reviews first-year French while helping improve reading, listening, composition and conversation skills.