Empowerment Series: Research Methods for Social Work | 9th Edition

Allen Rubin/Earl R. Babbie
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ISBN-13: 9781305870260
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About This Product

Widely considered the best text for the course, RESEARCH METHODS FOR SOCIAL WORK strikes an optimal balance of quantitative and qualitative research techniques -- illustrating how the two methods complement one another and how they can be integrated in mixed-methods studies. Rubin and Babbie's classic bestseller is acclaimed for its depth and breadth of coverage as well as for the authors' clear and often humorous writing style. A rigorous and comprehensive presentation, combined with a reader-friendly approach, helps students overcome the fear factor often associated with this course. Examples from real-world settings help students see the connections between research and social work practice. The Ninth Edition continues to incorporate coverage of evidence-based practice and aligns with other accreditation requirements based on the EPAS guidelines. It can be used across undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate levels of study.