Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child | 11th Edition

Lynn R. Marotz
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MindTap for Marotz's Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Marotz's Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357772928
MindTap for Marotz's HEALTH, SAFETY, AND NUTRITION FOR THE YOUNG CHILD, Eleventh Edition, is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course--to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual and to build student confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics and add your own material or notes in the ebook.

About This Product

HEALTH, SAFETY, AND NUTRITION FOR THE YOUNG CHILD, Eleventh Edition, covers contemporary health, safety, nutrition and environmental issues that influence and support the development and well-being of infants and young children. This comprehensive, engaging, full-color resource guides teachers in implementing effective, developmentally appropriate classroom practices. Concepts are backed by the latest empirical research and linked to the new NAEYC Professional Preparation Standards, and the author emphasizes the importance of respecting and partnering with families to help children establish healthy lifestyle practices and achieve their full learning potential. In addition, the text is organized for flexibility in course design, and numerous ancillary materials--including an instructor’s guide, syllabi, an extensive test bank and PowerPoint® slides to accompany each chapter--make course preparation and presentation easier. Ideal for early childhood educators, professionals and families, the text features current research and information on key topics including children’s mental health, emergency and disaster preparedness, healthy dietary and physical activity practices, food safety, childhood obesity, bullying and fostering resilient behaviors, chronic and acute health conditions, environmental quality and safety and children with special medical needs. Numerous checklists, tables, figures, activities and lesson plans serve as practical resources early childhood students and professionals can use in daily interactions with children and families.