Chemical Principles in the Laboratory | 13th Edition

Emil J. Slowinski/Wayne C. Wolsey/Robert C. Rossi
Product cover for Chemical Principles in the Laboratory 13th Edition by Emil J. Slowinski/Wayne C. Wolsey/Robert C. Rossi
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WebAssign for Slowinski/Wolsey/Rossi's Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, Single-Term instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357851319
WebAssign for Slowinski/Wolsey/Rossi's Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, 13th Edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, enabling you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With its powerful digital platform and content specific to Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content, and access student and course analytics and communication tools.
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WebAssign for Slowinski/Wolsey/Rossi's Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, Multi-Term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357851326
WebAssign for Slowinski/Wolsey/Rossi's Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, 13th Edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, enabling you to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With its powerful digital platform and content specific to Chemical Principles in the Laboratory, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content, and access student and course analytics and communication tools.

About This Product

Slowinski/Wolsey/Rossi’s CHEMICAL PRINCIPLES IN THE LABORATORY, 13th Edition, maintains the high-quality, time-tested experiments and techniques that have made this student-friendly resource a perennial bestseller. Continuing to offer complete coverage of basic chemistry principles, the topics are presented in a direct, easy-to-understand manner. This edition revises every experiment to make the language simple, clear and current, while maintaining a friendly and accessible tone. Mathematical and laboratory procedures have been simplified and shortened, where possible, in light of the increasing time pressures that are faced in lab courses.