Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere | 9th Edition

C. Donald Ahrens/Robert Henson
Product cover for Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere 9th Edition by C. Donald Ahrens/Robert Henson
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ISBN: 9780357857557
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MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357857625
Today's leading digital platform, MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY: AN INVITATION TO THE ATMOSPHERE, Ninth Edition, gives you complete control of your course--equipping you to craft unique learning experiences that challenge students, build confidence and elevate performance. A streamlined learning path and redesigned assessments minimize reader distraction. MindTap presents complex concepts using a blend of engaging narrative and media assets clearly linked to assessments. This means students can start applying concepts to real-world situations from the beginning of your course, with content that progresses from understanding core concepts to critical thinking and, ultimately, application. A distinctive, personalized study plan, based on individual performance, helps students stay focused and enables them to easily pinpoint areas for further study and practice. Exclusive Instructor Tools allow you to customize course content to your needs and tailor assessments to match the specific language and style of your course. New Instructor Reports provide actionable insights into student performance and present opportunities for just-in-time intervention. Use MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY: AN INVITATION TO THE ATMOSPHERE, Ninth Edition, as-is or customize it to meet your specific needs. You can even integrate it easily into your LMS.
MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's Essentials of Meteorology: An Invitation to the Atmosphere, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9798214455587
Today's leading digital platform, MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY: AN INVITATION TO THE ATMOSPHERE, Ninth Edition, gives you complete control of your course--equipping you to craft unique learning experiences that challenge students, build confidence and elevate performance.A streamlined learning path and redesigned assessments minimize reader distraction. MindTap presents complex concepts using a blend of engaging narrative and media assets clearly linked to assessments. This means students can start applying concepts to real-world situations from the beginning of your course, with content that progresses from understanding core concepts to critical thinking and, ultimately, application. A distinctive, personalized study plan, based on individual performance, helps students stay focused and enables them to easily pinpoint areas for further study and practice. Exclusive Instructor Tools allow you to customize course content to your needs and tailor assessments to match the specific language and style of your course. New Instructor Reports provide actionable insights into student performance and present opportunities for just-in-time intervention. Use MindTap for Ahrens/Henson's ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY: AN INVITATION TO THE ATMOSPHERE, Ninth Edition, as-is or customize it to meet your specific needs. You can even integrate it easily into your LMS.
Available January 1, 2026

About This Product

ESSENTIALS OF METEOROLOGY: AN INVITATION TO THE ATMOSPHERE, Ninth Edition, is written by the most widely read and authoritative author in introductory meteorology, Donald Ahrens, together with meteorologist and award-winning science writer Robert Henson. Their ability to explain even complicated ideas in a student-friendly way enables both science and non-science majors to visualize and understand important principles of meteorology. The Ninth Edition's clear and engaging narrative is supplemented by pedagogical features that encourage observing, calculating and synthesizing information. The authors have included information on recent weather and climate events to enhance interest, and online animations available through MindTap help students understand the underlying meteorological principles. The text also includes suggested activities that involve use of meteorological data, making it easier to assign relevant projects to help students develop critical-thinking and quantitative skills.