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Corporate Financial Accounting | 17th Edition

Carl Warren/Jeff Jones/William B. Tayler
Product cover for Corporate Financial Accounting 17th Edition by Carl Warren/Jeff Jones/William B. Tayler
Copyright 2025 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2024-02-21T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357929735
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ISBN: 9780357929629
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CNOWv2 for Warren/Jones/Tayler’s Corporate Financial Accounting, 1 term Instant Access

CNOWv2 for Warren/Jones/Tayler’s Corporate Financial Accounting, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357929643
With its engaging learning and assessment tools, CNOWv2 closes the gap between the classroom and the real-world. For instructors, CNOWv2 provides control and customization with the opportunity to tailor the learning experience to improve outcomes.

About This Product

This edition from the acclaimed franchise provides a foundation in financial accounting concepts, emphasizing the importance of accounting in business and society. The latest development and tools in corporate accounting have been updated. Learning features create interactive learning experiences, closing the gap between homework and exam performance. This approach elevates student thinking, addresses each stage of the learning process and demonstrates how accounting provides key information to make critical business decisions. A new “Why This is Important?” feature addresses students using a text messages to relate chapter content to their lives and future careers. The online learning platform CNOWv2 helps students master important accounting skills as they learn accounting principles within the larger context of corporate business today.