MindTap Moss 4.0, 2 terms Instant Access | 1st Edition

Product cover for MindTap Moss 4.0, 2 terms Instant Access 1st Edition by Cengage
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MindTap: MindTap Moss 4.0, 2 terms Instant Access {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$")}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("205.00", "$")}}
MindTap Moss 4.0, 2 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357933084
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MindTap Moss 4.0, 4 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357933114
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MindTap Moss 4.0, 4 terms Instant Access

MindTap Moss 4.0, 4 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357933114
MOSS 4.0 MindTap is designed to give students the skills they need to work with Practice Management (PM) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software in today’s busy medical offices. This robust MindTap includes readings, quizzes, and over 100 step-by-step simulations addressing administrative, clinical, and billing functions. The simulations mimic a real-world experience through the use of realistic PM/EMR software, transcripts and audio recordings of patient phone calls and interviews, and other real-world documents such as Registration Forms, Online Eligibility Reports, Remittance Advice, and more. In each simulation, students are presented with a scenario and then proceed through steps to complete a task related to the scenario in the PM/EMR software. A user-friendly design shows everything the student needs on one screen: the PM/EMR software, a Task panel showing the step-by-step instructions, and a panel showing any related documents or audio as appropriate. The simulations can be completed in either Practice or Assessment mode. In Practice mode, students are first presented with Learning Objectives for the simulation and are then guided through the steps with the use of Hints. As they practice, students are also presented with FYIs and Alerts at certain steps, along with instant feedback. FYIs provide additional information about a related concept or skill. Alerts provide critical information to completing a step. Students may also view Key Terms at any time while practicing to view definitions of new terms. The Award-winning MindTap platform easily integrates with your LMS and gradebook features. You will also receive student success analytics, along with a video replay of student click path to further enhance remediation and support!

About This Product

MOSS 4.0 MindTap is designed to give students the skills they need to work with Practice Management (PM) and Electronic Medical Record (EMR) software in today’s busy medical offices. This robust MindTap includes readings, quizzes, and over 100 step-by-step simulations addressing administrative, clinical, and billing functions. The simulations mimic a real-world experience through the use of realistic PM/EMR software, transcripts and audio recordings of patient phone calls and interviews, and other real-world documents such as Registration Forms, Online Eligibility Reports, Remittance Advice, and more. In each simulation, students are presented with a scenario and then proceed through steps to complete a task related to the scenario in the PM/EMR software. A user-friendly design shows everything the student needs on one screen: the PM/EMR software, a Task panel showing the step-by-step instructions, and a panel showing any related documents or audio as appropriate. The simulations can be completed in either Practice or Assessment mode. In Practice mode, students are first presented with Learning Objectives for the simulation and are then guided through the steps with the use of Hints. As they practice, students are also presented with FYIs and Alerts at certain steps, along with instant feedback. FYIs provide additional information about a related concept or skill. Alerts provide critical information to completing a step. Students may also view Key Terms at any time while practicing to view definitions of new terms. The Award-winning MindTap platform easily integrates with your LMS and gradebook features. You will also receive student success analytics, along with a video replay of student click path to further enhance remediation and support!