MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 1 term Instant Access | 2nd Edition

Product cover for MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 1 term Instant Access 2nd Edition by Cengage
Copyright 2025 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2024-04-02T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9798214155043
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MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 1 term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357944899
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MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 2 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357944912
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MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 2 terms Instant Access

MindTap for Cengage's English Handbook, 2 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357944912
With a simplified overview of the writing process, loaded with practical examples, and focused on the skills students need to succeed in college writing, Cengage English Handbook helps students balance between the academic needs of college writing and the practical concerns of everyday writers. A value-priced easy to customize all-digital solution, Cengage English Handbook includes reliable, searchable composition instruction, answers to students’ most frequently asked questions about writing, and a robust set of auto-graded self-assessment tools to guide students through the writing process.

About This Product

With a simplified overview of the writing process, loaded with practical examples, and focused on the skills students need to succeed in college writing, Cengage English Handbook helps students balance between the academic needs of college writing and the practical concerns of everyday writers. A value-priced easy to customize all-digital solution, Cengage English Handbook includes reliable, searchable composition instruction, answers to students’ most frequently asked questions about writing, and a robust set of auto-graded self-assessment tools to guide students through the writing process.