WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Single-Term Instant Access | 12th Edition

Raymond A. Serway/Chris Vuille/John Hughes
Product cover for WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Single-Term Instant Access 12th Edition by Raymond A. Serway/Chris Vuille/John Hughes
Copyright 2025 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2024-06-13T00:00:00+0000')}}
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WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Single-Term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357976463
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WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Multi-Term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357976470
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WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Multi-Term Instant Access

WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, Multi-Term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357976470
WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, 12th edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, making it easy to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance and help your students master the course concepts.

About This Product

WebAssign for Serway/Vuille/Hughes' College Physics, 12th edition, is a flexible and fully customizable online instructional solution that puts powerful tools in the hands of instructors, making it easy to deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance and help your students master the course concepts.