The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases | 12th Edition

Frank B. Cross/Roger LeRoy Miller
Product cover for The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases 12th Edition by Frank B. Cross/Roger LeRoy Miller
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MindTap for Cross/Miller's The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases, 1 term Instant Access

MindTap for Cross/Miller's The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357985724
MindTap for Cross/Miller’s “The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases”, 12e, is the digital learning solution that closes the gap between the classroom and the real-world helping students to think and act like a businessperson and preparing them for their future careers. MindTap gives you complete control over your course allowing you empower your students to accelerate their learning with engaging content and application focused activities that encourages the development of critical thinking skills.

About This Product

In keeping with its reputation, Cross/Miller's "The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases" 12e provides comprehensive coverage of legal concepts with an interesting and accessible approach. The author focuses on broad legal issues facing business owners and managers in today's increasingly regulated business world, helping students learn how today's legal environment is more about the constraints of business than simple rules of law. This latest edition includes updated examples, business-oriented features, and step-by-step analyses providing meaningful context for every topic. Throughout the text, the author emphasizes the role of ethics in law and provides a trusted framework for ethical decision-making. The accompanying MindTap challenges your students to apply their knowledge of the law to today's real issues with critical thinking and case analysis assignments.