History of American Economy | 13th Edition

Gary M. Walton/Hugh Rockoff
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MindTap Economics, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Walton/Rockoff's History of the American Economy

MindTap Economics, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Walton/Rockoff's History of the American Economy

ISBN-13: 9781337104029
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About This Product

Leading the field since 1955, the prestigious HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY, has been used by more students and instructors than any other text in the U.S. Tying America's past to the economic policies of today and beyond, this 13th edition presents events chronologically for easy understanding. This popular classic provides a firm foundation and comprehensive account of the evolution of the American economy. This edition is available with MindTap digital course, offering a full, mobile-ready textbook combined with superior and proven learning tools. MindTap can be seamlessly integrated into most Learning Management Systems (Blackboard, Brightspace by D2L, Canvas, Moodle, and more) but does require a different ISBN for access codes. With unmatched staying power, HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN ECONOMY has helped generations of students understand how the American economy evolved. Completely updated with recent research by economic historians, this trusted leader ties this country’s past to the policies and debates of today and beyond. Visual aids, tables and graphs reinforce learning and encourage interest in the study of economic history.