It's no mystery why Larry Siegel remains THE best-selling author in Criminal Justice. He's known for presenting real-life stories of crime, criminals and the hottest debates in the field, and CRIMINOLOGY: THE CORE, 7th Edition, doesn't disappoint. This four-color paperback is concise and affordable. Real-world material clarifies concepts and theories, equipping students with a solid foundation in modern Criminology. Grounded in Siegel's signature style--cutting-edge theory plus meticulous research--the book covers all sides of an issue without taking a political or theoretical position and provides a broad view of the field's interdisciplinary nature. This edition includes the latest insights into political crime; terrorism (e.g., ISIS); white-collar, blue-collar and green-collar crime; cybercrime; transnational crime (e.g. human trafficking) and many other topics. Available with MindTap, the digital learning solution that powers students' mastery of key concepts while engaging them with video cases, career scenarios, visual summaries, and more.