Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas | 8th Edition

Mark Kesselman/Joel Krieger/William A. Joseph
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MindTap Political Science, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Kesselman/Krieger/Joseph's Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas

MindTap Political Science, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Kesselman/Krieger/Joseph's Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas

ISBN-13: 9781337686198
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About This Product

Updated to reflect today's political climate, INTRODUCTION TO COMPARATIVE POLITICS offers a country-by-country approach that allows students to examine similarities and differences among countries and within and between political systems. Each chapter offers detailed descriptions and analyses of a country's politics, political challenges and changing agendas. Pedagogy and a condensed narrative help students make connections and comparisons about the countries presented. The eighth edition presents case studies on 13 countries and the European Union, providing an interesting sample of political regimes, levels of economic development and geographic regions. Students contemplate the dramatic Brexit vote, the impeachment of Brazil's president, Russia's drift toward authoritarianism and the polarizing elections of Donald Trump and Emmanuel Macron, among other recent political developments.