Supporting Play in Early Childhood: Environment, Curriculum, Assessment | 3rd Edition

Dorothy Justus Sluss, Ph.D.
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ISBN: 9781337568036
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ISBN-13: 9781337568050
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About This Product

Every preschool, kindergarten, and primary teacher should have SUPPORTING PLAY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD: ENVIRONMENT, CURRICULUM, ASSESSMENT, 3rd Edition, in their personal library. Readable yet thorough, this book and supporting materials provide a comprehensive approach to designing, implementing, and evaluating play-based programs for young children. The first two chapters situate play in the context of historical and current theory while providing information about the role of play in the growth and development of the child. Current topics such as connections to neurological research, culture and diversity, play for children with special needs, outdoor learning settings, STEM, Reggio Emilia, and the importance of interactions with adults are addressed. Symbols throughout the text show the alignment of the content with NAEYC and CEC/DEC standards. Sample lesson plans are in the appendix.