Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science | 9th Edition

Tom S. Garrison
Product cover for Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science 9th Edition by Tom S. Garrison
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357695586
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ISBN: 9781305105164
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MindTap Oceanography, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Garrison's Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science

MindTap Oceanography, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Garrison's Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science

ISBN-13: 9781305273726
Garrison’s Oceanography is known for engaging students and teaching them “ocean literacy.” MindTap for Oceanography echoes these tenets, using the Media Connections to engage students in the topic, the Global Geoscience Watch to explore and think critically about them, and assessments help both instructors and students see where they are in their learning. Garrison himself speaks to students through short audio clips, summarizing chapter topics. Personalized teaching becomes yours through a Learning Path built with key student objectives and your syllabus in mind. Control what students see and when they see it. Relevant readings, multimedia, and activities are designed to take students up the levels of learning, from basic knowledge to analysis and application. Analytics and reports provide a snapshot of class progress, time in course, engagement and completion rates.

About This Product

Developed in partnership with the National Geographic Society, market-leading OCEANOGRAPHY: AN INVITATION TO MARINE SCIENCE, 9e equips students with a basic understanding of the scientific questions, complexities, and uncertainties involved in ocean use-as well as the role and importance of the ocean in nurturing and sustaining life on Earth. The Ninth Edition features the work of seasoned author and educator Tom Garrison along with new co-author Robert Ellis, an assistant professor in the Marine Science Department at Orange Coast College who has managed research projects and educational programs throughout the world. Offering an even stronger emphasis on the science process, the new edition includes more "How Do We Know?" boxes detailing the science behind how oceanographers know what they know. Coverage of climate change has been updated to reflect the latest findings. Renamed "Primary Producers", Chapter 14 now includes expanded coverage of photosynthetic and chemosynthetic producers to help students understand the "big picture" in marine biology. New Global GeoScience Watch provides an extensive database of oceanographic articles and other resources that are updated several times a day. In addition, MindTap's all digital learning platform equips students with the ultimate Personal Learning Experience.