MindTap for Downing/Brennan's On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College, Career, and Life, 1 term Instant Access | 9th Edition

Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan
Product cover for MindTap for Downing/Brennan's On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College, Career, and Life, 1 term Instant Access 9th Edition by Skip Downing/Jonathan Brennan
Copyright 2020 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2019-02-14T00:00:00+0000')}}
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MindTap: MindTap for Downing/Brennan's On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College, Career, and Life, 1 term Instant Access {{getPriceWithCurrency(vm.digitalPlatformSelectedOption.price, "$")}} {{getPriceWithCurrency("68.00", "$")}}
MindTap for Downing/Brennan's On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College, Career, and Life, 1 term Instant Access ISBN: 9780357022740
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About This Product

MindTap for Downing/Brennan's On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College, Career, and Life, 9th Edition is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course—to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual, and to build their confidence. MindTap includes the digitally-exclusive “Toolbox of Active Learners” and features two self-assessments to enable students to monitor progress in developing necessary soft skills and study skills for success. It also contains chapter readings, interactive quizzes, concept-check videos, and a variety of assignments to get and keep students on track toward their goals. Utilize the College Success Factors Index (CSFI) in MindTap to identify at-risk students, validate your college success program, and improve retention rates. New for 2021: Empower your students to connect the dots between what they’re learning now and their current or future careers with “How Transferable Are Your Skills?” – a new MindTap activity that challenges students to identify how personal and academic experiences can help them become career-ready. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap!