Organic Chemistry | 7th Edition

William H. Brown/Brent L. Iverson/Eric Anslyn/Christopher S. Foote
Product cover for Organic Chemistry 7th Edition by William H. Brown/Brent L. Iverson/Eric Anslyn/Christopher S. Foote
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-28T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781285467764
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ISBN: 9780357687888
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ISBN: 9781133952848
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Available Study Tools

Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry

Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry

ISBN-13: 9780618974122
Designed for use as a supplement to a traditional text to encourage active and collaborative learning in the classroom, this student activity book incorporates new methods for teaching chemistry that reflect current research on how students learn. The purpose of the guided inquiry approach is to teach students to think analytically and collaboratively in teams, like scientists do, rather than teaching them to memorize important conclusions arrived at by great scientists of the past. By looking carefully at new problems, constructing logical conclusions based on observations, and discussing the merits of their conclusions with peers, students develop a stronger conceptual understanding of and appreciation for the material. Honing their logical and empirical skills enables students to better pursue not only chemistry, but any other complex sets of ideas.
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Study Guide with Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 7th

Study Guide with Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 7th

ISBN-13: 9781285052618
The best way for students to learn organic chemistry concepts is to work relevant and interesting problems on a daily basis. Authored by Brent and Sheila Iverson, The University of Texas at Austin, this comprehensive manual offers detailed solutions to all in-text and end-of-chapter problems in the Seventh Edition of the core text. It helps students achieve a deeper intuitive understanding of the material through constant reinforcement and practice--ultimately resulting in much better preparation for in-class quizzes and tests, as well as for national standardized tests such as the DAT and MCAT.
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OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285198972
Students can use this ISBN to purchase instant access at to OWL, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry. With OWL, you'll save time and help your students improve their grades. Developed by chemistry instructors for teaching chemistry, OWL includes powerful course management tools that make homework management a breeze, as well as advanced reporting and grade book features that save you time in grading homework and tracking student progress. With OWL, you can address your students' different learning styles through a wide range of assignment types, including tutorials, visualization exercises, and algorithmically generated homework questions with instant answer-specific feedback. OWL is the only system designed to support mastery learning, allowing students to work at their own pace until they understand each concept and skill. Each time a student tries a problem, OWL changes the chemicals and wording of the question, as well as the numbers, to ensure student mastery. OWL includes the New MindTap Reader, a fully interactive online e-reader experience that seamlessly integrates authoritative Cengage Learning content, rich media assets, robust note-taking/annotation features and tightly bundled web-apps to create an engaging, holistic student learning environment.Visit to learn more.
Student Solutions Manual eBook forBrown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry

Student Solutions Manual eBook forBrown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry

ISBN-13: 9781285185866
OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285185842
Students can use this ISBN to purchase instant access at to OWL, the #1 online homework and tutorial system for chemistry. With OWL, you'll save time and help your students improve their grades. Developed by chemistry instructors for teaching chemistry, OWL includes powerful course management tools that make homework management a breeze, as well as advanced reporting and grade book features that save you time in grading homework and tracking student progress. With OWL, you can address your students' different learning styles through a wide range of assignment types, including tutorials, simulations , visualization exercises, and algorithmically generated homework questions with instant answer-specific feedback. OWL is the only system designed to support mastery learning, allowing students to work at their own pace until they understand each concept and skill. Each time a student tries a problem, OWL changes the chemicals and wording of the question, as well as the numbers, to ensure student mastery. OWL now includes Quick Prep review assignments that help students learn essential skills to succeed. OWL includes the New MindTap Reader, a fully interactive online e-reader experience that seamlessly integrates authoritative Cengage Learning content, rich media assets, robust note-taking/annotation features and tightly bundled web-apps to create an engaging, holistic student learning environment.Visit to learn more.
OWLv2 with Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 with Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781285841403
eBook for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry

eBook for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn/Foote's Organic Chemistry

ISBN-13: 9781285467764

About This Product

Providing a modern introduction to organic chemistry for students majoring in chemistry, health, and the biological sciences, this revised and updated edition of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY is both student-friendly and cutting-edge and incorporates the latest advances in the field. Professors Brown, Iverson, and Anslyn have all won teaching awards at their respective schools, and they use their skills to build upon the text's hallmarks of unified mechanistic themes, focused problem-solving, use of applied problems from the pharmaceutical field, and unrivaled visuals. Thoroughly updated throughout, the book offers numerous biological examples for pre-med students, a wide range of in-text learning tools, and integration with both a homework and tutorial system and an interactive multimedia eBook. To help students understand reaction mechanisms, the authors offset them in a stepwise fashion and emphasize similarities between related mechanisms using just four different characteristics: breaking a bond, making a new bond, adding a proton and taking a proton away. Organic chemistry reaction roadmaps take a center stage in this edition with new pull-out maps designed in a stepwise manner by chapter. These roadmaps will help students to devise their own reaction pathways. Numerous resources help ensure student success in the course, including a running margin glossary, a mini end-of-chapter in-text study guide, and more in-chapter examples than any other text on the market. Emphasizing "how-to" skills, this edition is packed with challenging synthesis problems, medicinal chemistry problems, and unique roadmap problems. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections