Organic Chemistry | 9th Edition

William H. Brown/Brent L. Iverson/Eric Anslyn/Christopher S. Foote
Product cover for Organic Chemistry 9th Edition by William H. Brown/Brent L. Iverson/Eric Anslyn/Christopher S. Foote
Copyright 2023 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2022-06-05T00:00:00+0000')}}
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Available Study Tools

eTextbook: Student Solutions Manual Organic Chemistry

eTextbook: Student Solutions Manual Organic Chemistry

ISBN-13: 9780357451953
The eBook version of the Study Guide and Solutions Manual offers detailed solutions to all in-text and end-of-chapter problems. It helps students achieve a deeper intuitive understanding of the material through constant reinforcement and practice -- ultimately resulting in much better preparation for in-class quizzes and tests, as well as for national standardized tests such as the DAT and MCAT.
OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 1 term Instant Access

OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 1 term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357451922
OWLv2 is an all-in-one online learning solution for Chemistry that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an accessible platform. It supports you whether teaching synchronous or asynchronous courses, during-class and outside of class, and whether you teach in-person, hybrid, or fully online. You can integrate it into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. Developed by chemists, OWLv2 elevates thinking through Mastery Learning, empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept and skill. It does this better than other digital products through algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors: chemical, numerical, and contextual, creates thousands of unique questions and ensures that no two students get the same question, and neither does a single student taking subsequent attempts.
OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms Instant Access

OWLv2 for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357451915
OWLv2 is an all-in-one online learning solution for Chemistry that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an accessible platform. It supports you whether teaching synchronous or asynchronous courses, during-class and outside of class, and whether you teach in-person, hybrid, or fully online. You can integrate it into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. Developed by chemists, OWLv2 elevates thinking through Mastery Learning, empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept and skill. It does this better than other digital products through algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors: chemical, numerical, and contextual, creates thousands of unique questions and ensures that no two students get the same question, and neither does a single student taking subsequent attempts.
OWLv2 with ebook: Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms Instant Access

OWLv2 with ebook: Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Iverson/Anslyn's Organic Chemistry, 4 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357451946
OWLv2 is an all-in-one online learning solution for Chemistry that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an accessible platform. It supports you whether teaching synchronous or asynchronous courses, during-class and outside of class, and whether you teach in-person, hybrid, or fully online. You can integrate it into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. Developed by chemists, OWLv2 elevates thinking through Mastery Learning, empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept and skill. It does this better than other digital products through algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors: chemical, numerical, and contextual, creates thousands of unique questions and ensures that no two students get the same question, and neither does a single student taking subsequent attempts.

About This Product

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, Ninth Edition, is a student-friendly, cutting-edge introduction for chemistry, health and biological sciences majors. The authors revised the text to align pedagogically with the way your students approach complicated material. In addition to featuring unified mechanistic themes, focused problem-solving, applied pharmaceutical problems and biological examples, the new edition takes a step-by-step approach to reaction mechanisms, emphasizing similarities among mechanisms using four traits: breaking a bond, making a new bond, adding a proton and taking a proton away. The text also includes organic chemistry reaction roadmaps organized by chapter to help your students devise their own reaction pathways. Emphasizing practical “how-to” skills, the new edition is packed with challenging synthesis problems, medicinal chemistry problems and unique roadmap problems, with hundreds of detailed solutions to all in-chapter exercises to guide your students through logical approaches to solving problems of various types. New point-by-point summaries at the beginning of each section highlight important content in a way that is easy for students to review and reference, while in-margin definitions and highlighted integral concepts reinforce key content throughout the text. 100 author-created videos, available in OWLv2, explain and illustrate the most difficult concepts in an engaging way.