Physical Geography | 11th Edition

James F. Petersen/Dorothy Sack/Robert E. Gabler
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MindTap Earth Sciences, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Petersen/Sack/Gabler’s Physical Geography

MindTap Earth Sciences, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Petersen/Sack/Gabler’s Physical Geography

ISBN-13: 9781337095853
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About This Product

PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, Eleventh Edition, uses the combined expertise of three accomplished and respected geographers to show not only what constitutes physical geography but also the reciprocal relationship between people and Earth’s natural environment. The well-written and thoughtfully illustrated text emphasizes three essential themes to demonstrate the major roles of the discipline -- Geography as Physical Science, Geography as Spatial Science, and Geography as Environmental Science. With a strong focus on processes and the interrelationships among Earth’s systems, this text guides students to an understanding and appreciation of how the various natural systems function and of how humans are an integral component of physical geography. Historically, this was the first Physical Geography textbook to take an environmental sustainability approach, and the authors continue to address the theme of human interactions with the environment.