Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting | 6th Edition

Jane Rice
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MindTap Medical Assisting, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Rice’s Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting

ISBN-13: 9781337095433
MindTap Medical Assisting for Rice’s Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting, 6th Edition is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course—to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual, and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics, and add your own material or notes in the eBook.
MindTap Medical Assisting, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Rice's Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting

MindTap Medical Assisting, 2 terms (12 months) Instant Access for Rice's Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting

ISBN-13: 9781305859401
MindTap Medical Assisting for Rice’s Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting, 6th Edition is the digital learning solution that powers students from memorization to mastery. It gives you complete control of your course—to provide engaging content, to challenge every individual, and to build their confidence. Empower students to accelerate their progress with MindTap. MindTap: Powered by You. MindTap gives you complete ownership of your content and learning experience. Customize the interactive syllabi, emphasize the most important topics, and add your own material or notes in the eBook.

About This Product

Written expressly for medical assistants by a medical assistant, PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL ASSISTING, 6E delivers CAAHEP/AAMA standards and competency-based objectives in an easy-to-understand approach. After a step-by-step math review with many examples and practice problems, the author progresses through dosage calculations, pharmacology concepts and drugs, and a thorough review of medications as they relate to each body system. Helpful in-text features add interest to the readings while detailed appendices offer students a path to explore health care concepts at greater depth. Read by thousands of medical assisting students and instructors to date, PRINCIPLES OF PHARMACOLOGY FOR MEDICAL ASSISTING has been a trusted resource for more than 26 years.