Public Policymaking | 9th Edition

James E. Anderson/Jeffrey Moyer/George Chichirau
Product cover for Public Policymaking 9th Edition by James E. Anderson/Jeffrey Moyer/George Chichirau
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About This Product

A longtime bestseller, Anderson/Moyer/Chichirau's PUBLIC POLICYMAKING, 9th edition, delivers a thorough explanation of public policy fundamentals by focusing on the process behind the crafting of legislation. By thoroughly examining the individual steps involved -- from identifying a problem, to agenda setting, to evaluating, revising or terminating a policy -- students can see firsthand how different factors influence policy creation. Completely up to date and packed with examples, the new edition provides thoughtful updates based on the 2020 election, the COVID-19 pandemic and revised case studies. In addition, each chapter features at least one case study that illustrates how general ideas are applied to specific policy issues.