MindTap HVAC-R, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Whitman/Johnson/Tomczyk/Silberstein's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology | 7th Edition

Bill Whitman/Bill Johnson/John Tomczyk/Eugene Silberstein
Product cover for MindTap HVAC-R, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Whitman/Johnson/Tomczyk/Silberstein's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology 7th Edition by Bill Whitman/Bill Johnson/John Tomczyk/Eugene Silberstein
Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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MindTap HVAC-R, 4 terms (24 months) Instant Access for Whitman/Johnson/Tomczyk/Silberstein's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology ISBN: 9781305630109
{{getPriceWithCurrency("114.00", "$")}}
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About This Product

MindTap HVAC-R for Whitman/Johnson/Tomczyk/Silberstein's Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology, 7th Edition is the digital learning solution that helps instructors engage and transform today's students into critical thinkers. Through paths of dynamic assignments and applications that you can personalize, real-time course analytics, and an accessible reader, MindTap helps you turn cookie cutter into cutting edge, apathy into engagement, and memorizers into higher-level thinkers. Access to this product is valid for 24 months of usage.