Residential Construction Academy HVAC | 2nd Edition

Eugene Silberstein
Product cover for Residential Construction Academy HVAC 2nd Edition by Eugene Silberstein
Copyright 2012 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2011-05-12T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133699842
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ISBN: 9781439056349
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Buy Paperback : Workbook with Lab Manual for Silberstein's Residential Construction Academy HVAC, 2nd ISBN: 9781439056035
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Buy Paperback : The Complete HVAC Lab Manual by Silberstein/Obrzut ISBN: 9781337399388
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Available Study Tools

Workbook with Lab Manual for Silberstein's Residential Construction Academy HVAC, 2nd

Workbook with Lab Manual for Silberstein's Residential Construction Academy HVAC, 2nd

ISBN-13: 9781439056035
The student workbook/lab manual is designed to help your students retain key chapter content. Included within this resource are chapter objective questions, key term definitions, multiple choice, fill in the blank and true or false problems. The student workbook/laboratory manual is a valuable tool designed to enhance your students' lab experience. Lab activities, objectives, materials lists, step-by-step procedures, illustrations, and review questions are all included.
Not Available
The Complete HVAC Lab Manual by Silberstein/Obrzut

The Complete HVAC Lab Manual by Silberstein/Obrzut

ISBN-13: 9781337399388
Featuring over 250 lab exercises, this lab manual is designed to provide practice for all activities performed in the refrigeration, heating, and air conditioning industry, with exercises correlated to the following solutions: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology,7e, 8e, 9e; Electricity for Refrigeration, Heating and Air Conditioning, 8e, 9e, 10e; Heat Pumps, 2e and RCA: HVAC, 2e.

About This Product

RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION ACADEMY: HVAC 2nd edition delivers training materials with a hands-on practical approach. Based on NAHB/HBI Skill Standards developed by an advisory board of leading builders and educators, this full color, comprehensive text is intended for aspiring technicians and covers the installation, startup and service of residential air conditioning and heating systems. This new edition continues to present material as a theory then explains with how-to instructions while at the same time adhering to the NAHB/Home Builders Institute's Skills Standards for HVAC. Instructions contain step by step procedures with illustrations side by side with the description, giving clarity to the instructions. The first section explores matter, energy, heat and the basics of refrigeration with a view towards building a working knowledge of the behavior of heat and how it is transferred. Next, the start up and service section illustrates the steps that must be followed to make certain that airflow through the system is correct and the amount of refrigerant in the system is within the acceptable range. Finally the installation and service of oil, gas, electric and geothermal heating systems is covered as well as boilers, hydronic heating and radiant heating. Now available with this text is The Complete HVAC Lab Manual, which features over 250 lab exercises, covering 15 topic areas. See the supplements section for more details.