Retailing | 8th Edition

Patrick M. Dunne/Robert F. Lusch/James R. Carver
Product cover for Retailing 8th Edition by Patrick M. Dunne/Robert F. Lusch/James R. Carver
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-17T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133953807
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About This Product

The new, Eighth Edition of RETAILING combines the text's signature in-depth coverage of fundamental retailing principles with cutting-edge updates on the latest trends and practices in today's fast-paced retail market. Retailing is constantly changing and adjusting to competitive, technological, society and consumer needs. This book emphasizes the creative and analytical aspects of retailing, with special emphasis on the impact of the Internet and continuing changes in the global economy. Authors Dunne, Lusch, and Carver draw on their expertise as seasoned instructors and retail authorities, including abundant, real-world examples and case studies to help students understand the intricacies of retail management. Endorsed by the National Retailing Federation, RETAILING features a conversational writing style and a vibrant, full-color format with strong student appeal, as well as a streamlined structure of 14 chapters that can easily be covered in one term. The text also includes a built-in study guide with review questions, writing and speaking exercises, cases covering diverse retail operations, an interactive spreadsheet case, and other activities to give students hands-on experience applying key concepts and developing the creativity and analytical skills required for a successful career in the retail industry. In addition, challenging "Planning Your Own Retail Business" exercises focus on problems small business managers and owners face in day-to-day operations, helping students appreciate the financial impact of retail decisions. Also, the book focuses on some of the major trends in retailing which include more emphasis on design and fashion, e-tailing, global expansion, innovation, entrepreneurship, social media, and service. Finally, the book has a focus on explaining how retail decisions and strategy influence the financial performance of the retailer. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections