Soil Science and Management | 6th Edition

Edward Plaster
Product cover for Soil Science and Management 6th Edition by Edward Plaster
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-02-22T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357688090
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Buy Paperback : Lab Manual for Plaster's Soil Science and Management, 5th ISBN: 9780840024343
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Buy Paperback : Soil Science and Management, Soft Cover ISBN: 9781337904599
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Buy Hardback : Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and Environment ISBN: 9781111312336
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ISBN: 9781285713137

Available Study Tools

Lab Manual for Plaster's Soil Science and Management, 5th

Lab Manual for Plaster's Soil Science and Management, 5th

ISBN-13: 9780840024343
The Laboratory Manual is a valuable tool designed to enhance your lab experience. Lab activities, objectives, materials lists, step-by-step procedures, illustrations, and review questions are commonly found in a Lab Manual.
Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and Environment

Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and Environment

ISBN-13: 9781111312336
This full-color introduction to agronomy and crop science offers both traditional agricultural students and students with nonagricultural backgrounds a timely look at the principles of crop science, sustainable agriculture, and a host of related societal issues. A must-read text for anyone interested in what are arguably the most profoundly important issues of our time, INTRODUCTION TO AGRONOMY, second edition addresses the basics of safe and sustainable food and fiber production as well as big picture topics such as energy, ecology, and environmental quality. Throughout the text, readers will find information and illustrations on the latest agricultural methods, regulations, and practices--and how each is impacting our society and each individual within it.

About This Product

Introduce a practical understanding of soil properties and the soil management techniques most important for the effective use of soils with SOIL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT, 6E. This non-technical, reader-friendly book details all aspects of effective soil usage, including management techniques, composition, fertility, erosion, conservation,and irrigation. These topics are integrated into a practical guide to help readers better understand and manage soil as a natural resource. This edition highlights horticultural uses of soil as well as the latest green methodologies in both agricultural and horticultural practice. New content reflects the most recent science and environmental issues related to soil use, conservation, and sustainability. Updates related to nutrient management and best practices, legal issues, and government programs are also included. A complete support package for class preparation, testing and review includes a new CourseMate website that extends learning with interactive resources to further students' understanding and skills.