Equip students to understand today's most important tax concepts and ever-changing tax legislation with Nellen/Young/Raabe/Maloney's SOUTH-WESTERN FEDERAL TAXATION 2020: ESSENTIALS OF TAXATION: INDIVIDUALS AND BUSINESS ENTITIES, 23E. Known for its unmatched clarity, this reader-friendly presentation helps students grasp key taxation concepts and applications -- all in a brief edition. Updated coverage details the latest tax legislation for both individual taxpayers and corporations, including tax reforms of 2018 and the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. New and proven learning features, such as "Big Picture" examples, tax scenarios, and "What If?" case variations, clarify concepts and sharpen critical thinking, writing, and online research skills. In addition to complete instructor support, each new book includes online access to Intuit® ProConnect tax software, Checkpoint® (Student Edition) by Thomson Reuters, Becker CPA review questions, CNOWv2 and MindTap Reader. Trust this brief edition for the tax coverage your students need.