Statistics for Business & Economics | 14th Edition

David R. Anderson/Dennis J. Sweeney/Thomas A. Williams/Jeffrey D. Camm/James J. Cochran/Michael J. Fry/Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Product cover for Statistics for Business & Economics 14th Edition by David R. Anderson/Dennis J. Sweeney/Thomas A. Williams/Jeffrey D. Camm/James J. Cochran/Michael J. Fry/Jeffrey W. Ohlmann
Copyright 2020 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2019-01-31T00:00:00+0000')}}
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XLSTAT Education Edition for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran's Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, 2 terms Instant Access ISBN: 9780357117477
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ISBN: 9780357069660

Available Study Tools

WebAssign for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's Statistics for Business & Economics, Single-Term Instant Access

WebAssign for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's Statistics for Business & Economics, Single-Term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357030196
WebAssign is the complete teaching tool for Business Statistics. This flexible and fully customizable platform puts powerful tools in your hands. Deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With WebAssign’s powerful digital platform and Statistics for Business & Economics' specific content, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content, and access student and course analytics and communication tools.
WebAssign for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's Statistics for Business & Economics, Multi-Term Instant Access

WebAssign for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's Statistics for Business & Economics, Multi-Term Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357031391
WebAssign is the complete teaching tool for Business Statistics. This flexible and fully customizable platform puts powerful tools in your hands. Deploy assignments, instantly assess individual student and class performance, and help your students master the course concepts. With WebAssign’s powerful digital platform and Statistics for Business & Economics' specific content, you can tailor your course with a wide range of assignment settings, add your own questions and content, and access student and course analytics and communication tools. Key Features: 1. 1000+ problems from the textbook are available for homework assignments in algorithmic forms. DATAfile problems from the textbook (alternate versions) are available for experience solving real world business problems. 2. Master It Tutorials (MI) show how to solve a similar problem in multiple steps by providing direction along with derivation so students understand the concepts and reasoning behind the problem solving. Watch It Videos and Read It links to the eBook are available as additional help resources for selected exercises. 3. Exploring Statistics Applet problems ask students to answer questions using linked interactive statistical applets. 70+ videos, developed by Dr. Ed Winkofsky at the U of Cincinnati, use these interactive teaching tools to help students better understand abstract statistics concepts.
XLSTAT Education Edition for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran's Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, 2 terms Instant Access

XLSTAT Education Edition for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran's Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics, 2 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357117477
This commercially available software Excel add-in is useful not only in this course, but also in your career after graduation.
XLSTAT Education Edition for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran's Statistics for Business and Economics, 2 terms Instant Access

XLSTAT Education Edition for Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran's Statistics for Business and Economics, 2 terms Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9780357117460
This commercially available software Excel add-in is useful not only in this course, but also in your career after graduation.

About This Product

Deliver sound statistical methodology, a proven problem-scenario approach and meaningful applications that clearly demonstrate how statistical information impacts business decisions with Anderson/Sweeney/Williams/Camm/Cochran/Fry/Ohlmann's leading STATISTICS FOR BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS, 14E. More than 350 actual business examples, current cases and hands-on exercises draw from the authors’ unmatched experience to present the latest statistical data and business information with unwavering accuracy. You can select the topics that best meet your students’ needs, including coverage of popular commercial statistical software programs JMP® Student Edition 14 and Excel® 2016 with optional chapter appendices and coordinating online data sets. An all new WebAssign online course management system is available with this powerful business statistics solution.