STATISTICS: LEARNING FROM DATA, Second Edition, addresses common problems faced by students and instructors with an innovative approach to elementary statistics. Translating research on student learning in statistics and probability into practice, the authors tackle areas students struggle with most -- probability, hypothesis testing, and selecting an appropriate method of analysis. Supported by learning objectives, real-data examples and exercises, and technology notes, this important resource helps students to develop conceptual understanding, mechanical proficiency, and the ability to put knowledge into practice. NEW for Fall 2020 - Turn your students into statistical thinkers with the Statistical Analysis and Learning Tool (SALT). SALT is an easy-to-use data analysis tool created with the intro-level student in mind. It contains dynamic graphics and allows students to manipulate data sets in order to visualize statistics and gain a deeper conceptual understanding about the meaning behind data. SALT is built by Cengage, comes integrated in Cengage WebAssign Statistics courses and available to use standalone.