Chemistry for Engineering Students | 4th Edition

Lawrence S. Brown/Tom Holme
Product cover for Chemistry for Engineering Students 4th Edition by Lawrence S. Brown/Tom Holme
Copyright 2019 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2018-08-30T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357539347
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ISBN: 9780357026991
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Buy Paperback : Survival Guide for General Chemistry with Math Review and Proficiency Questions: How to Get an A ISBN: 9781305629561
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Buy Paperback : Chemistry for Engineering Students ISBN: 9780357026991
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Student Solutions Manual eBook Instant Access for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students ISBN: 9781337399067
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OWLv2 with eBook for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access ISBN: 9781337398961
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OWLv2 with eBook with Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access ISBN: 9781337399005
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Available Study Tools

Survival Guide for General Chemistry with Math Review and Proficiency Questions: How to Get an A

Survival Guide for General Chemistry with Math Review and Proficiency Questions: How to Get an A

ISBN-13: 9781305629561
This survival guide focuses on helping students practice for exams and shows them how to solve difficult problems by dissecting them into manageable chunks. Written in the style of a student meeting with an instructor during office hours, it addresses the most frequently asked questions. This approach leads to the three levels approach – A, B, and minimal – to dissect a typical difficult question into manageable chunks and quickly build student confidence to master the knowledge needed to succeed in the course. This book is available for students to purchase at or available for packaging with any Cengage textbook.
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Student Solutions Manual eBook Instant Access for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students

Student Solutions Manual eBook Instant Access for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students

ISBN-13: 9781337399067
Offering detailed solutions to the blue-numbered end-of-chapter Study Questions, this comprehensive eBook Solutions Manual helps students achieve a deeper intuitive understanding of the material through constant reinforcement and practice, ultimately resulting in better preparation for in-class quizzes and tests.
OWLv2 with eBook for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 with eBook for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781337398961
OWLv2 provides an all-in-one online teaching solution for Chemistry instructors that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an easy-to-use platform. It supports you no matter your course format and can easily be integrated into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. OWLv2 elevates thinking through mastery learning by empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept utilizing algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors—chemical, numerical, and contextual—creates unique question variants for each student and attempt.
OWLv2 with eBook with Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

OWLv2 with eBook with Student Solutions Manual for Brown/Holme's Chemistry for Engineering Students, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access

ISBN-13: 9781337399005
OWLv2 provides an all-in-one online teaching solution for Chemistry instructors that delivers an eTextbook, multimedia learning activities, auto-graded assessments, and analytics through an easy-to-use platform. It supports you no matter your course format and can easily be integrated into your Learning Management System with automatic grade return. OWLv2 elevates thinking through mastery learning by empowering students to work at their own pace to understand each concept utilizing algorithmic question randomization, high-quality question authoring, instant and question-specific feedback, and powerful analytics. The randomization of three factors—chemical, numerical, and contextual—creates unique question variants for each student and attempt.

About This Product

Enhanced with new problems and applications, the Fourth Edition of CHEMISTRY FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS provides a concise, thorough, and relevant introduction to chemistry that prepares students for further study in any engineering field. Updated with new conceptual understanding questions and applications specifically geared toward engineering students, the book emphasizes the connection between molecular properties and observable physical properties and the connections between chemistry and other subjects studied by engineering students, such as mathematics and physics.