CREATIVE ACTIVITIES AND CURRICULUM FOR YOUNG CHILDREN, Twelfth Edition, is an invaluable resource for early childhood teachers, caregivers, administrators and pre-service and in-service pre-K to Grade 5 teachers, providing research-based developmental theory along with practical applications in the complete range of early childhood environments. The text is ideal for anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of creative and aesthetic development, the importance of arts experiences in childhood, supporting creativity in children, expanding creative approaches to teaching and integrating creativity across the curriculum. Updated throughout, the Twelfth Edition features research into theories of brain development and their application to daily practice, new topics in the Spotlight and Think About It features, updated recommendations for children’s books that support arts activities and exploration and current information regarding the use of digital technology. The authors have more thoroughly integrated culturally responsive practice throughout the text, as well as reorganizing chapters to reflect a more natural sequence of topics to facilitate learning. In addition to preparing for classroom success, students can turn to this foundational resource throughout their professional careers.