Constitutional Law: Principles and Practice | 2nd Edition

Joanne Banker Hames/Yvonne Ekern
Product cover for Constitutional Law: Principles and Practice 2nd Edition by Joanne Banker Hames/Yvonne Ekern
Copyright 2013 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2012-03-16T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357701966
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ISBN: 9781111648541
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Buy Spiralbound : The Pocket Guide to Legal Writing, Spiral bound Version ISBN: 9781401865979
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Available Study Tools

The Pocket Guide to Legal Writing, Spiral bound Version

The Pocket Guide to Legal Writing, Spiral bound Version

ISBN-13: 9781401865979
The Pocket Guide to Legal Writing is designed as a desk book for use by practicing paralegals, legal assistants, attorneys, and students. It is a reference book that allows the user to quickly obtain the answer to many commonly encountered writing questions concerning the following subjects: sentence and paragraph drafting, word selection and usage, spelling, numbers, grammar, punctuation, legal citation, legal correspondence, legal research memoranda, and court briefs. It also includes a chapter on the location of various non fee-based internet and other computer based legal research sources. There is a chapter that presents a collection of general considerations involved in legal writing, including a detailed discussion of the legal writing process (an organized approach to legal research, analysis, and writing that helps you develop writing skills and makes legal writing easier) and guidelines to follow when engaging in the process. The book is color coded so information may be easily located and designed to lie flat on a desk next to a computer. It is written in a non technical manner and designed so that it is easy to understand and use by anyone working in a law office. It includes checklist for use in conjunction with the various types of legal writing.
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About This Product

Specifically written for paralegal students, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, 2nd Edition identifies and explains the concepts behind constitutional law,and connects them to everyday experiences both inside the law practice and out. Carefully edited for non-lawyers, the major cases presented show how the Supreme Court's decisions impact lawyers, lawmakers, and the general public, while breaking down complex concepts for paralegals-in-training to grasp more easily. Each chapter also contains numerous pedagogical elements including learning objectives, review and analysis questions, and vocabulary terms to build reader confidence with the material, and demonstrate the ways paralegals perform in the workplace. Focusing on practical application, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE, 2nd Edition offers multiple hands-on opportunities to help students excel. Helpful appendices include samples of commonly used legal documents, while the readings are packed with hypothetical cases, ethical dilemmas, and end-of-chapter assignments for practicing analytical skills.