Supervisory Management | 9th Edition

Donald C. Mosley/Don C. Mosley, Jr./Paul H. Pietri
Product cover for Supervisory Management 9th Edition by Donald C. Mosley/Don C. Mosley, Jr./Paul H. Pietri
Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2014-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

Featuring a practical "hands-on" approach that blends skill-building opportunities with traditional management principles, Mosley, Mosley, and Pietri's SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT, 9e helps prepare your students to become effective supervisors in today's workplace. Readable, engaging, and offering a practical focus on developing successful supervisors, the Ninth Edition of SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT inspires students--emphasizing the positive approach of working cooperatively WITH people to develop and empower them to better perform in their working roles. The authors consistently adhere to the federal government SCANS (Secretary's Commission on Achieving Necessary Skills) requirements for workplace competencies, and the chapter-ending Skill Builder exercises clearly demonstrate how they contribute to the students' development of these skills. Chapter-opening Preview Cases give students real-world examples of chapter concepts. These cases are referred to in chapter narrative and in Self-Check questions, helping students link principle and concept as they progress through each chapter. Chapter-ending cases reinforce concepts with real-world supervisory examples. Including new and updated topics throughout and many course preparation and presentation tools for instructors, the Ninth Edition of this best-selling text is both an essential teaching tool and learning resource that students will turn to even after completing your course.