Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire | 6th Edition

Clare Tufts/Hannelore Jarausch
Product cover for Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire 6th Edition by Clare Tufts/Hannelore Jarausch
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-01-15T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357778456
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ISBN: 9781285632902
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ISBN: 9781133311263
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Buy Stitched binding : SAM Answer Key with Audio Script for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th ISBN: 9781133936138
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SAM Audio Program for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th ISBN: 9781133936015
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Bundle: Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th + La France contemporaine, 6th
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ISBN: 9781305623323

Available Study Tools

SAM for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

SAM for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

ISBN-13: 9781133936022
The "Cahier" (SAM) provides support for the improvement of the student's written French through exercises that move from the discrete point, self-check variety, to the more open-ended ones, culminating in a choice of composition topics using the process-writing approach. The "Exercices de laboratoire" section follows the "Exercices écrits" section of the "Cahier" and offers practice of phonetics and listening comprehension and dictation.
SAM Answer Key with Audio Script for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

SAM Answer Key with Audio Script for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

ISBN-13: 9781133936138
This printed supplement contains the complete Answer Key and Audioscript for the accompanying Student Activities Manual.
SAM Audio Program for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

SAM Audio Program for Tufts/Jarausch's Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire, 6th

ISBN-13: 9781133936015
The Text/SAM Audio Program contains audio material for the entire SUR LE VIF program. The audio program consists of all the audio corresponding to the exercises in the workbook, as well as the audio to correspond to the textbook (including the music selections from the "Interludes"). The complete in-text and SAM audio program is also available on the Premium Website and in the Heinle eSAM. Students can purchase instant access via
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About This Product

Designed for one-semester intermediate French courses, SUR LE VIF offers a contextualized review of the fundamentals, adding just enough new material to expand the language skills of students without overwhelming them. The text is divided into an in-class conversation manual and an out-of-class grammar reference, giving instructors the flexibility to choose among readings, activities, and grammar practice to meet the varied needs of intermediate students. In nine short chapters, SUR LE VIF encompasses a full-length intermediate course with its provocative readings, active grammar review, and updated cultural notes. The program also takes into account the importance of audio and visual elements: the "Prélude" (before Chapter 1), two "Interludes" (after Chapters 3 and 6), and "Postlude" (after Chapter 9) contain new songs and follow-up activities. By skillfully weaving grammar review into thought-provoking chapter themes, SUR LE VIF provides a solid review of first-year French while adding refinements for improved skills in reading, listening, composition, and conversation.