The Commercial Greenhouse | 3rd Edition

James Boodley/Steven E. Newman
Product cover for The Commercial Greenhouse 3rd Edition by James Boodley/Steven E. Newman
Copyright 2009 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2008-06-04T00:00:00+0000')}}
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About This Product

The Commercial Greenhouse, third edition, is a complete text for the modern commercial greenhouse grower, educator, and student. The text is a complete reference on greenhouse systems and technologies, and the science of growing crops. The Commercial Greenhouse, third edition systematically starts the reader off by outlining the fundamentals; providing an overview of greenhouse structures, and the biology of growing plants under cover including light temperature, gasses, soils, water, and nutrients. These essential chapters are followed by fifteen chapters that focus on specific guidelines and greenhouse procedures for successful greenhouse production, insect and disease control, and marketing. The clear and concise presentation of fundamental concepts in The Commercial Greenhouse, third edition makes this text a must for every greenhouse professional's shelf.