The Criminal Justice System: Politics and Policies | 10th Edition

George F. Cole/Marc G. Gertz
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ISBN: 9781111346638
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About This Product

Longtime market-leader THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM: POLITICS AND POLICIES, 10/e combines the enduring classics in the development of criminal justice policy with the latest developments from the field--and most recent debates from Congress. Exposing students to primary sources and the most current, cutting-edge research available, this proven reader allows students to see research-framed debates discussed in our administration of justice. It promotes a more thorough understanding of the structure and function of the criminal justice system while highlighting critical cross cutting themes, such as discretion, the sources of power and authority inside institutions, and how the public may impact our choices of laws and the way laws are written. Offering the ideal balance of depth and breadth, the reader includes timely topics and articles from every branch of the discipline. The Tenth Edition is packed with updated statistics and authoritative coverage of such key topics as DNA/wrongful convictions, prison overcrowding, white-collar crime, cyber crime, ethics, technology, evidence-based practice, and more.