The Practice of Macro Social Work | 4th Edition

William G. Brueggemann
Product cover for The Practice of Macro Social Work 4th Edition by William G. Brueggemann
Copyright 2014 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2013-03-06T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9781133336846
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ISBN: 9780495602286
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About This Product

Intended for undergraduate and graduate social work students who want to make a difference in today's modern society, this comprehensive text explores the theory and methods in nine arenas of macro social work at the community, organizational, societal, and global levels of practice. THE PRACTICE OF MACRO SOCIAL WORK, Fourth Edition, challenges readers to use their concern, values, and critical thinking skills to assist those who struggle and have been excluded from making decisions that affect their lives--and to empower these less fortunate individuals to reclaim a healthy social environment for themselves and their children. The book's generalist orientation provides an organizational framework as well as history, biographical material on leading macro social workers, illustrative contemporary examples, and factual data that offers real life detail for students. Most important is the depth and wealth of practical information that assists students in understanding how to help people engage in solving social problems, and in influencing social change to bring about a more just society and humane global civilization. Available with InfoTrac® Student Collections