The Principles of Learning and Behavior | 7th Edition

Michael Domjan
Product cover for The Principles of Learning and Behavior 7th Edition by Michael Domjan
Copyright 2015 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2020-09-03T00:00:00+0000')}}
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MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Domjan's The Principles of Learning and Behavior

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ISBN-13: 9781337275217
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About This Product

Known for its currency and clear writing style, THE PRINCIPLES OF LEARNING AND BEHAVIOR provides a comprehensive and systematic introduction to elementary forms of learning that have been the focus of research for much of the twentieth century. The book closely reflects the field of research it represents in terms of topics covered, theories discussed, and experimental paradigms described. Thoroughly updated with recent research and a new neuroscience box in each chapter, the seventh edition covers such topics as habituation, classical conditioning, instrumental conditioning, stimulus control, and aversive control as well as their applications to the study of cognition and to the alleviation of behavior problems. Biological constraints on learning are integrated throughout the text, as are applications boxes that relate animal research to human learning and behavior.