Theories of Personality | 11th Edition

Duane P. Schultz/Sydney Ellen Schultz
Product cover for Theories of Personality 11th Edition by Duane P. Schultz/Sydney Ellen Schultz
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MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Schultz/Schultz's Theories of Personality

MindTap Psychology, 1 term (6 months) Instant Access for Schultz/Schultz's Theories of Personality

ISBN-13: 9781305960121
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About This Product

Filled with updated research and findings, Schultz and Schultz's THEORIES OF PERSONALITY, 11th Edition gives students a clear and cogent introduction to this dynamic field. Organized by theory, this popular text discusses major theorists who represent psychoanalytic, neopsychoanalytic, lifespan, trait, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, and social-learning approaches, while demonstrating the influence of events in theorists' personal and professional lives on the development of their theories. The text reviews current work on selected facets of personality including locus of control, sensation seeking, learned helplessness, optimism-pessimism, and positive psychology. The authors also explore the ways in which race, gender, and cultural issues play a part in the study of personality and in personality assessment. The final chapter, "Personality in Perspective," integrates topics explored in previous chapters and suggests conclusions that can be drawn from the many theorists' work.