Theory and Treatment Planning in Family Therapy: A Competency-Based Approach | 1st Edition

Diane R. Gehart
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Copyright 2016 | {{checkPublicationMessage('Published', '2015-01-01T00:00:00+0000')}}
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ISBN: 9780357695487
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ISBN: 9781285456430
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Bundle: Theory-Based Treatment Planning for Marriage and Family Therapists: Integrating Theory and Practice + Theory and Treatment Planning in Family Therapy: A Competency-Based Approach
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ISBN: 9781305932449

About This Product

Using state-of-the-art pedagogical methods, this text is one of a new generation of textbooks that are correlated with national standards for measuring student learning in mental health professions, including counseling, family therapy, psychology, and social work. The book's learning-centered, outcomes-based pedagogy engages students in an active learning process, introducing family therapy theories using theory-specific case conceptualization and treatment planning. These assignments empower students to apply theoretical concepts and develop real-world skills as early as possible in their training. THEORY AND TREATMENT PLANNING IN FAMILY THERAPY: A COMPETENCY-BASED APPROACH also includes extensive discussions about how diversity issues and research inform contemporary practice of family therapy. The author uses a down-to-earth style to explain concepts in clear and practical language that contemporary students appreciate. Instructors will enjoy the simplicity of having the text and assignments work seamlessly together, thus requiring less time for class preparation and grading. The extensive set of instructor materials, including scoring rubrics designed for accreditation assessment, further reduces educators' workloads.