Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction | 7th Edition

Edward S. Neukrug
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ISBN-13: 9798214109213
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About This Product

Distinguished by its focus on the development of the helper, its experiential emphasis and the unique use of personal vignettes, Neukrug's THEORY, PRACTICE, AND TRENDS IN HUMAN SERVICES: AN INTRODUCTION, 7th Edition, provides an overview of the field of human services. It begins with chapters that delve into the identity of the human service professional, the history of human services, current trends in the field, counseling skills, credentialing, ethics and accreditation. It later moves on to cover important content areas that effective human service professionals must know including counseling theory, helping skills, human development, group and family guidance, organizational and community change, the role of consultation and supervision, human development, cultural competence, how to work with diverse client populations, as well as research, evaluation and assessment. Concluding with career development, the final chapter provides guidance on how to apply career guidance to future clients.