Thinking Critically | 11th Edition

John Chaffee
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About This Product

THINKING CRITICALLY helps students become sophisticated thinkers by teaching the fundamental cognitive process that allows them to develop the higher-order thinking abilities needed for academic study and career success. The text compels students to use their intellect to think critically about subjects drawn from academic disciplines, contemporary issues, and their life experiences. The text begins with basic skills related to personal experience and then carefully progresses to the more sophisticated reasoning skills required for abstract, academic contexts. Each chapter provides an overview of an aspect of critical thinking, such as problem-solving, perception, and the nature of beliefs. Thinking Activities, thematic boxes, and writing assignments encourage active participation and prompt students to critically examine others’ thinking, as well as their own. Thought-provoking and current readings from a wide variety of thinkers get students to think about complex issues from different perspectives. Each chapter ends with self-assessment activities that help students monitor their own progress as critical thinkers.