UNDERSTANDABLE STATISTICS: CONCEPTS AND METHODS, 12th Edition, is a thorough yet accessible program designed to help students overcome their apprehensions about statistics and to master the subject. The authors provide clear guidance and informal advice while showing students the links between statistics and the world. To reinforce this approach, the book integrates real-life data from a variety of sources, including journals, periodicals, newspapers, and the Internet. The 12th Edition continues to address the importance of developing students' critical-thinking and statistical literacy skills through special features and exercises throughout the text. The P-value method of hypothesis testing is emphasized. The use of graphing calculators, Excel®, Minitab®, Minitab Express™, and SPSS® is covered although not required. This new edition is now supported by WebAssign, the powerful online homework and course management system that uses news videos, interactive visual data, online stats labs and open response concept questions to engage students in learning statistics. NEW for Fall 2020 - Turn your students into statistical thinkers with the Statistical Analysis and Learning Tool (SALT). SALT is an easy-to-use data analysis tool created with the intro-level student in mind. It contains dynamic graphics and allows students to manipulate data sets in order to visualize statistics and gain a deeper conceptual understanding about the meaning behind data. SALT is built by Cengage, comes integrated in Cengage WebAssign Statistics courses and available to use standalone.